Thursday, October 29, 2009

THE plan (Of course it may change tomorrow)

Ok so FINALLY got whats going on; well for the next two months anyway.

Wednesday I leave for the Dominican Republic.

I was looking at so many places trying to 'make' something happen. Then remembered that Brad (our cool missions pastor) was taking a team for a week to Barahona, DR Nov 7-14 and I had almost signed up earlier.

I ask if I could join him and them team -medical and construction - then stay longer. I get in contact with Dr. Jorge and Pastor Pedro (their real names, ha) they say yeah thats a great idea. And Waaalaaaaa...

Oh silly me always worrying about God's timing when he's shown me over and over again.

I'm excited about this bc it's not jsut me 'showing up' somewhere, I mean, it is a little bit but I'll have an immediate "in" to be doing ministry. Ahhhh, so awesome. Did I mention Barahona is on the ocean?

Yeah so I'm actually going down by myself a few days before the team to Santo Domingo to hang in the city then I'll meet them at the airport and take the 3 hr bus with them to B.

AHHHH.. i also have a great place to live in Chapel Hill. It's a block from Orange, my old church. The way it worked out was this family I know, a kid who was in the youth band I'm real close with - well his parents basically moved to Louisiana for work but they kept their house for Jay and his sister to stay at when they need and for them and also sort of as their retirement (4 bdrm Chapel Hill home prolly $700k). Jay has an apt in G'boro now and Lisa is leaving too sooooo they are letting me stay there in that house, WHAAAAA, like a caretaker ha. Its an incredible house but it need to be cleaned you can imagine what a 21 yr old boy living there on holidays looks like.

Oh, Father you really are good to me. I am so sorry I am so impatient, or worrisome. I know you hold all in the palm of your hand. Help me to see that more clearly. All these decisions "I'm" trying to make or determine the time for; work, her, housing, etc. It's all good. It really is.

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