Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Whoa buddy

I am so ridiculously worn out right now. Whew.

I received my "punch list" from the buyers for my house. It's what you get after inspection and is the list of things they are suggested to get fixed. Joel and I didn't catch it in the initial contract (he felt bad) but they had an addendum that basically I would pay up to $3500 for these things. Geez! So basically they would hire a contractor to do it this week and I would pay for it all up to $3500.

So there were 27 items. Yeah, 27! At first I was shocked/worried but then as I looked I realized most of it was tedious/busy work type things that "I" could just do myself!

I actually designed and built a master bath addition on the house all myself last year and I was worried that they were going to find MAJOR problems with but alas, only a few things were wrong there and they were mostly just things I never finished (installing the foundation vents, cleaning out the crawl space etc). I even picked out the colors myself, ha.

I had to do some electrical work under the old part of the house - install junction boxes at a couple of splices, insulation, and ductwork repair, nothing major...BUT I couldn't help be scared of the snakkkkes that I know freakin live under there. Jerks. I hate snakes.

Either way I actually ended up doing 25 of the 27 things all myself -installed a window pane, fixed all the hanging doors - gosh so many little things. So worn out from working about 4 hours last night then all day from 7am to 7pm today. Crawling around on my stomach, throwing bricks, hating snakes.


I'm very blessed. God loves me. I love him and his people the best that I can each day. I miss a girl. I know it's in his hands but I also want to use my brain and heart that he gave me in the best way.

Something more eloquent later maybe. Right now gotta get a little word and goooooo toooo sleeeepp.

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