Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Giving and the World Tour 09

I think I'm a gift giver. I like it. Giving isn't done to get anything back. It's not done because there is monetary value on the person you are giving the gift to.

It's merely one of the many ways to manifest thought, care, and interest.

Whether on purpose (I searched all over to find this perfect thing I knew you would like) or accidental (I happened to see this and it reminded me of you) a gift can't replace thought; a gift is birthed from the thought of another. Because of the relationship.

The abusive giving is done in lieu of relationship. The successful father handing over the credit card but never his emotion. The boyfriend sending flowers only on the occasion of his mistake.

But gifts are good.

People respond, rather, feel attended to, by a variety of ways. Two people don't always line up perfectly; i.e. - person A has great connection to physical touch, person B is intimidated by it. How do these two meet then? Person A feels invalidated, unappreciated by what they have to offer and Person B may feel out of sorts and pressured to 'respond' to something that they don't see as a real means of connection.

Maybe they Compromise. Communicate. Appreciate. Celebrate. Grow. A few steps at a time. Selflessly. Enjoy the journey.

I miss you. By the way. Not in a sad, sappy sort of way. Just matter of factly.

In other news; I might be traveling for the next 40 days or so. It's complicated. Good things though. Some uncertainties. Gosh things just move and reveal so fast recently. I promise I'm more stable than this.

Short of it is that I'm potentially in between jobs with a huge financial blessing. It's not so much the money but the currency of time that works this out.

I tentatively planned a world tour; hitting some of the top things I haven't seen. Rome>Moscow>Agra, India>Beijing>Cairns, AU.
I'm big into major sights; Giza pyramids, Kenyan Safari, Sphinx, Victoria Falls, Machu Picchu, Grand Canyon, Denali, etc etc a few of the things I've been to.So maybe I can cross off Sistine Chapel, the Pantheon, Great Wall, Taj Mahal, the Kremlin, Red Square, Great Barrier Reef. All in one shot.

However I'm also thinking about just heading to Am Samoa and doing some Tsunami work. Then maybe heading down to Cairns.  Hmm I'm leaning towards that actually. Either way I'd have fun.

Wouldn't that cost a butt ton of money? Not really. I've got the flight hookups. And being the not picky experienced traveler I'm good with cheap. I spent about $200 total for four days in Egypt in January.

When will you decide? In the next week or so but definitely for sure by Oct. 27.

Won't it be lonely traveling all alone? No more lonely than I am here.

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